Please Note

If you are stuck with Windows 7, operating system of your PC, in a foreign language, this is not what you are looking for. Please check out my relevant post.


As I have worked for a giant Korean conglomerate, I have to install Office 2007 Enterprise edition Korean version. I hunted, searched, tested many ways to convert/choose for English. But failed.

But, now, I got it. Here’s how.



  1. At first, check  of your desired language file (matching with your version of Office) here. For Office 2010, check here.
  2. If it is there, voilà! You got it.
  3. Install the downloaded EXE file. As a security check, plz check the publisher name if it is “Microsoft” or not. If it is “Microsoft”, you have nothing to worry about security.
  4. After completion, please restart your PC or laptop whether Windows tells so or not.
  5. Now, check using MS Office Language preference that is it set or not as below:
    check MS Office Language
  6. Now, happily use “Office” in your desired language.


I got the link from a user comment here. Though I didn’t believe at first place. But it worked anyway.